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As the year draws to a close and we prepare to welcome the New Year, it’s an ideal time to give some attention to your home’s plumbing system. A well-maintained plumbing system ensures efficiency, longevity, and fewer emergencies. L&M Plumbing, serving the Allentown, PA, area, is here to guide you through your year-end plumbing maintenance checklist.

Inspect Faucets and Toilets for Leaks

Leaks in faucets and toilets can lead to significant water waste and higher bills. Check all faucets for drips and listen for running water in your toilet tanks. If you find any issues and need assistance, remember, L&M Plumbing is just a call away.

Clean Showerheads and Faucet Aerators

Over time, mineral deposits can clog showerheads and faucet aerators, affecting water flow. Clean them thoroughly to ensure optimal performance. Vinegar is a great natural solution for removing buildup.

Examine Exposed Pipes for Insulation Needs

As temperatures drop, unprotected pipes are at risk of freezing. Inspect any exposed pipes in areas like the basement or garage. If they lack insulation, consider adding it to prevent freezing and potential bursts.

Test Your Water Heater’s Efficiency

No one wants to start the New Year with cold showers! Check your water heater for signs of leaks or rust. Ensure it’s operating efficiently and set at the appropriate temperature, typically around 120°F.

Clear Out Drains and Gutters

Ensure your drains and gutters are free of debris, which can cause blockages and lead to water damage. While some blockages can be cleared with DIY methods, more stubborn clogs might require professional attention.

Schedule a Professional Inspection

For peace of mind, consider scheduling a year-end inspection with L&M Plumbing. Our experienced team can identify and address any hidden issues, ensuring your plumbing system is ready for the New Year.

Remember, Maintenance is Key

Regular maintenance can save you from costly repairs and emergency calls. As we say goodbye to this year, make sure your plumbing system is ready to welcome the new one with reliability and efficiency.

For all your plumbing needs in the Allentown, PA, area, L&M Plumbing is here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (610) 756-3069 for expert advice and service. Let’s ensure your plumbing system is in top shape for the New Year!