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When it’s time to replace your toilet, a world of choices awaits. From design preferences to water efficiency concerns, today’s market offers something for everyone. At L&M Plumbing in Allentown, PA, we’re here to help you make an informed decision and ensure a seamless installation.

Traditional Two-Piece Toilets

This design has been a staple in bathrooms for decades. Comprising a separate tank and bowl, it’s often a cost-effective choice and is available in a wide range of styles.

One-Piece Toilets

Sleek and modern, one-piece toilets offer a design where the tank and bowl are integrated into a single unit. They’re easier to clean due to fewer crevices and offer a contemporary aesthetic.

Wall-Hung Toilets

Maximize space with a wall-hung toilet. Mounted to the wall, it keeps floor space clear, making cleaning simpler and giving your bathroom a spacious feel.

High-Efficiency and Dual Flush Toilets

For the environmentally conscious, these toilets offer water-saving flush options. Dual flush toilets allow you to choose between a light flush for liquids and a stronger flush for solids, saving water without sacrificing performance.

Smart Toilets

Welcome to the future of bathroom tech! Smart toilets come with features like heated seats, automatic lids, integrated bidets, and even touchless flushing. Some even have self-cleaning functions!

Corner Toilets

Perfect for smaller bathrooms or odd layouts, corner toilets are designed to fit snugly into a corner, optimizing space where it’s most needed.

Composting Toilets

Ideal for locations without access to a sewer system, composting toilets break down waste into compost. They’re eco-friendly and perfect for cabins, boats, or off-grid homes.

Need Help Choosing a Toilet? L&M Plumbing is Here for You

With so many options, choosing a replacement toilet can feel overwhelming. But don’t fret! The experts at L&M Plumbing are ready to guide you, considering both your design preferences and functional needs.

In the Allentown, PA, area and in need of professional plumbing advice or services? Dial L&M Plumbing at (610) 756-3069. We’re here to make your toilet replacement process smooth and hassle-free!